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Updates + Documents

  • In February, the Archdiocese released its official decree for the merger of parishes and effective closing of St Matthias

    • Our team wrote a formal appeal that went directly to Cardinal Cupich, all within the requirements for canonical appeal


  • In early March, the Cardinal formally rejected our appeal


  • March 16 (aka – when the quarantine began), Sean Vinck in collaboration with attorney Brody Hale wrote our next formal appeal directly to Vatican seeking the Cardinal’s closure decree be nullified

    • Given Covid19 – our appeal sat and we heard nothing.


  • June 22 – we received official notice from the Vatican that our appeal request was in good standing, we met all requirements in terms of response and timing, and now the official review of our appeal begins.  Brody Hale said that many churches never get to the formal review as their cases thrown out for not following protocol to the letter.


  • July 2 – Fr Ron Stake from the Arch wrote Fr Larry asking that he provide a letter to the Vatican stating his feelings about the parish closure.  Per Brody Hale – this is a standard part of the process where the Vatican asks for input from the standing pastor.


  • July 9– Fr. Larry formally sent his reply letter to the Vatican, with copy sent to the Arch.  Fr Larry was incredibly courageous with his letter – wrote forcibly of his disagreement with the decision to close the parish, and relaying the parish community’s anger with the process used to come to the closure decision.


  • November 9- Alderman Vasquez sent letter to Cardinal Cupich


  • November 24- Apostolic Signatura document sent and received in Rome

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