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*We are a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Contributions are tax-deductible. Our Tax Identification Number is 85-2317473*
Any amount of donation is extremely appreciated and will be used to show the archdiocese that we are a viable and thriving church that does not deserve to be closed.
Total Donors- 100 Total Donations- Over 40k
Monthly Donations
- 5$Every monthÂ
- 10$Every monthÂ
- 20$Every monthÂ
- 30$Every monthÂ
- 50$Every monthÂ
- 75$Every monthÂ
- 100$Every monthÂ
- 250$Every monthÂ
- 500$Every monthÂ
One-Time Donations
If you want to donate an amount not listed, either One-Time or Monthly, please email
If you wish to make a donation to our church preservation efforts via check, make the check payable to The Committee to Save St Mattias Church, and send via mail to the following address:
Committee to Save St Matthias Church
c/o Patty Moran – Treasurer
2168 W Eastwood
Chicago, IL 60625
**All donations will go to support our legal efforts and eventually maintenance of the Church. If we are not successful our committee has committed to using the money to support St. Matthias school. The Archdiocese will never touch this money.**
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